Please review the available memberships prior to proceeding to your purchase.
Please contact your local branch or regional Board representative for your local membership information.
Annual subscription available to a member of a who can produce a student identification card. Student membership can relate to a person who is currently studying:
(a) At a university or high school - Part-time or full-time - by attendance or by distance education.
Annual subscription available to a member who has joined a branch for the first time and is valid for one occasion only. Introductory membership is not valid for a further time for example:
(a) If a member moves to a new/different branch located elsewhere within the state
(b) If a member has a period where he/she ceases to be a member of a branch
* Anyone attending an Ag Bureau branch meeting, who is not a special guest, must be registered as a member in one of the applicable membership classes and have paid an annual membership subscription fee.
** Individual branches may have different fee charges - either higher rates to fund branch activities or lower rates if subsidised by other sources. Please check with your local branch to determine how much you must pay.
Membership fees are integral to achieving the aims of the Bureau movement. Membership fees provide the following benefits which are not available to non-financial branches and members:
In addition, membership fees provide for the Ag Bureau to represent the interests of members and agricultural producers to the Government and the media.
An integral part of South Australia’s rural community since 1888, the Agricultural Bureau of South Australia is working to support vibrant rural communities and strong ag-industry networks by promoting excellence in agriculture, business management and sustainable resource management.
The Ag Bureau is an established 50-strong network of membership branches, representing the interests of more than 1100 South Australian rural farmers on issues of common interest between farmers, scientists, government agencies, agribusinesses, research bodies and regional organisations.
The branches unite passionate people interested in farming, agricultural development and learning and promote the well-being of our communities.
The Agricultural Bureau of SA (Ag Bureau) Board works to maintain and support a strong, active and growing network. As an active advocate for its branch networks and members, the Ag Bureau encourages and facilitates the following:
555 The Parade, Magill